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Sergio Suarez is our NEW cooking instructor. It was his dear neighbors, John and Cleo Wester, Operation Feed  benefactors, that got him involved with the organization. Initially it was a  monthly contribution, but soon enough, each Thursday morning he would be helping out at the Despensa. 

Then the call came for volunteers to help restart cooking classes. “Why  not?” he asked himself, “It could be fun, and you’re fluent in Spanish - why not share my cooking knowledge with the ladies in town and at the same time  learn from them?!” 

Although not a cook, he has a passion for cooking; having taken classes, and watched endless hours of tv food shows; absorbing and learning new techniques and recipes along the way. It helps having come from a long line of excellent Cuban home cooks: his mother, aunts and a few uncles! 


Cooking classes are now held twice monthly, and feature an easy recipe using items received in the participants’ weekly dispensary package. Sergio really enjoys preparing new recipes for them, and he also considers the cost of the ingredients and cooking method. You see, most households in town don’t  have ovens, presenting challenges in creating easy food prep for the  ladies.  


Slowly, through word-of-mouth, classes are gaining attention and attendance. They’re fun, lively and informative. And, most important, the Señoras of San Juan Cosalá learn to prepare basic items for their families in tasty, new ways. The results have been gratifying and positive. 

So please consider contributing to the cooking fund. It would be wonderful to be able to offer a drawing at the end of each class for much needed new home cooking utensils. 

Sergio looks forward to continuing teaching because, putting it simply, they’re teaching him!




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operation feed

san juan cosala, jalisco, mexico

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