​Operation Feed Vision and Health Program
Operation Feed has a Vision Program which does vision testing and is able to dispense new reading glasses to its community. Four times a year, community members can be tested at our Viva Mexico location. In the past year we have given out more than 150 new reading glasses with cases have been distributed to clients, which greatly increases their ability to read and do close work, such as sewing, crocheting and machine repair.
We are not able to do optometric testing in San Juan Cosala at this time, but we inform those who have problems with distance vision and educate about low cost options for having their eyes tested and glasses prescribed.
The program also collects donated medical equipment and attempts to match it with those in need. We have a retired nurse-practitioner from the U.S who volunteers with us and we would like to expand into nursing assessments of those in our community, as needed. We are trying to grow the program to provide equipment such as wheelchairs, walkers, orthopedic supports and hygiene supplies to our shut-ins.
New reading glasses (these must be labeled to indicate strength). Lightly used cases for glasses.
New or used medical equipment: wheelchairs, walkers, canes, bedside commodes, lightly used orthopedic equipment, etc.
Sheets, towels, bed pads, mattresses or pads to protect against bedsores,
anti-embolism stockings. (If you are not sure, we will sort it out.)